Friday, July 8, 2011

An Implied Contract

When life gives you lemons, it is imperative for one to make the most out of it and make lemonade. Even though it is unfortunate that a huge lot tend to leave the citrus fruit to wither and atrophy, there is a handful of mankind who aim for perfection, mincing lemon rinds and whisking away the concoction every few hours or so to make lemon sorbet.

Truth be told, my culinary skills can be summed up in two words; instant and microwavable. In blog terms that must probably mean micro-blogging. Bleech!

So here's the deal...I'll post regularly about anything, everything and nothing. I promise no half-baked half-assed entries (you are entitled to give me a good beating once I do so) I won't cuss too much. No lengthy personal rants. I'll blog. You read and give constructive criticism. In the occasion of heated arguments, let us all be reminded of that 'R' word that could possibly end all of the world's disputes. Respect. Thank you.

Let's start. :)

P.S. Since I promised no half-baked posts, no cussing, no lengthy personal rants on this blog. Entries under the aforementioned categories have their own repository. Please do visit The Asylum. Thank you.

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