I came upon these lipstick savers at a Japanese Home Center store, the set costs only ₱88. And yes, they truly are lipsticks savers!
The box has a step-by-step procedure on how to transfer your lipstick into the pot.
Step 1: Simply place the bullet in the pan and scoop out the remaining product from the lipstick barrel. I used a chopstick in this photo. Mash up the product in the pan.
Step 2: Now place the pan inside the microwave and set the timer to 1 minute. Watch the pan closely to see how fast the lipstick melts. Once you see it all liquefied, stop the microwave and bring the pan out.
*A word of caution, not all lipticks have the same consistency. The NYX lipstick I used in the photo was mushy to begin with, it took only 30 seconds for it to completely melt, others take longer. If there are still solid fragments after 1 minutes, take out the pan and stir, try to mash the the solid fragments, let it cool for a while, then pop it back in the microwave for 1 minute. Though the pan was designed to be used in the microwave, please be cautious as the material is still made of plastic.
Step 3: Once the lipstick has completely melted, stir the contents of the pan to get rid of bubbles.
Step 4: Let the lipstick cool and set for 5-10 minutes.
Now your lippie is ready for some action! You may also stick on the lipstick label on the bottom of the pan, so you won't forget the brand and shade. Use a lipbrush to apply your de-potted lipsticks. If you intend to bring this in your purse you may use a retractable lip brush for no-mess storage.
Have an awesome weekend,
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